Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

We used handprints to make Things 1 and 2 for our door decoration. You can see it for real Thursday, March 8 if you come to the Reading and Math Family Night and/or the Talent Show.

Little Ball Games

We had a great turnout for the Little Ball Games. Everyone had a great time. 

Discovery Center

We had a visit from the East Tennessee Discovery Center in February. We learned about teeth.

DC the dentist?

Practicing how to floss

JFP flossing JG's fingers

More floss practice

More flossing

KS showing how well she brushed this morning. The presenter was surprised how well she had brushed. :)

Mr. Lawhorn's Visit

Mr. Lawhorn talks to the kids.

One of the tools of the trade.

All suited up.

In his is father's footsteps?

HM tries on the hat and coat.

JG looks happy to be a firefighter.

CW wearing the oxygen tank.

CR ready to put out a fire.

DC looks ready to go.
We had a visit from LL's dad, Matthew Lawhorn. He is a firefighter, who came in to show us his "turnout" gear. We had recently learned about firefighters in our reading.